An ounce of prevention is worth…

The Center on Disease Control in partnership with HHS’ Administration on Aging, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a disturbing report highlighting that many older adults are not receiving critical preventive care that could help them stay healthy. Entitled Closing the Gap: Enhancing Use of Clinical Preventive Services Among Older Adults (pdf), the report outlines and encourages the use of preventive services that might even save a Senior’s life and raises awareness of services that are currently underused by the 65+ population.

In order of importance, the report advises that Caregivers and Seniors immediately begin making use of the following services in order to promote healthier living and longer life expectancy.

Flu vaccinations, Pneumonia vaccinations, Breast cancer screenings, Colorectal cancer screenings, Diabetes screening, Lipid disorder screening, Osteoporosis screening, Smoking cessation counseling, Alcohol misuse screenings and counseling, Aspirin use, Blood pressure screenings, Cervical cancer screenings, Depression screenings and counseling, Obesity screenings and counseling, and Shingles vaccinations.

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It is true that many seniors go without health care. It is even more true that those with private fiduciaries who say no to auto repair may not even have a way to get to the doctor.