Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is Battling Parkinson’s Disease

Credits: Associated Press (AP)/Matt Rourke

Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell revealed that he is battling Parksinson’s disease. He encouraged people who suspect they have symptoms to get diagnosed and treatment early. On Monday (June 18, 2018), Rendell made the announcement regarding his condition at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, He was accompanied by doctors and officials from the University of Pennsylvania.

Source: Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is Battling Parkinson’s Disease

Could an existing drug halt Parkinson’s disease?

Researchers are consistently searching for ways to reverse or eliminate the effects of Parkinson’s Disease.  While no cure has been discovered yet, a new Parkinson’s study published in the journal Neuron, found that a current drug on the market and approved by the FDA for treating a rare genetic disorder “may reduce toxic protein clusters –  which are a hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease”.   Read the Full Article…

Source:  / Medical News Today