Are Your Elderly Parents Keeping Any Secrets?

10 Common Secrets Kept by Aging Parents

Secrets That Elderly Parents Keep From Their Family

Most seniors pride themselves on being independent.  They spent most of their lives not only taking care of themselves, but also raising their own children.  Therefore, it’s no surprise that they may want to keep things private if they feel it will show their vulnerabilities.  Maybe they are not as organized, becoming forgetful, or even more serious things.

It can be difficult to ask for help, not to mention the lingering fear of being declared incapable of caring for yourself by your family.  No one wants to have their driving privileges  taken away, or even worse… be taken away from their home and forced into assisted living or a nursing facility.  As a result, seniors might think it harmless or in their best interest to downplay the severity of a situation or simply omit the situation all together.

Read the full article (10 Secrets that Aging Parents Keep) by, which provides some of the most common “intentional omissions” that seniors might not disclose to their family members.

Source: 10 Secrets that Aging Parents Keep 

How to Challenge a Nursing Home Eviction Notice

Nursing Home Residents - Eviction Rights          Do you know your rights when it comes to eviction from a nursing home?  “With better-paying Medicare coverage ending and being replaced by Medicaid“, evictions from nursing homes seem to be on the rise.  However, there are procedures that must be followed and rights that you have as a current resident.  This informative article posted by the New York Times includes an easy to read list of guidelines that must be followed by all registered nursing homes according to federal law.  Since most residents may be unaware of their rights, I am sharing this article in the hopes that it can help those who are or may be threatened with transfer or eviction.

Read the Article Here...How to Challenge a Nursing Home Eviction Notice, other Tips

Source: Tara Siegel Bernard and Robert PearThe New York Times

6 Insider Tips to Help You Plan for a Hospital Stay

Hospital stays for seniors and the elderly can bring upon feelings of anxiety and fear for the patient and the caregiver.  This does not have to be the case!  If you are informed and prepared, it will make the process much more bearable.  The best way to help alleviate your concerns is to have a good plan in place.

Home Care Assistance outlines six tips to help out with planning for your hospital stay.  The article covers important areas of what to expect before you go in for a procedure or surgery, how to make your stay a little more comfortable while you are there, and how to prepare for after care once discharged.

Read all 6 tips for Planning Your Hospital Stay…

Source:  Crsytal Jo / Home Care Assistance